League Handbook & Ground Rules

2023-2024 Manager & Coaches Handbook

Eastview Little League Rules of Operation do not take precedence over Rules and Regulations for Little League©. 

The Rules Committee may review and interpret these Rules and make recommended changes or points of discussion for the Board of Directors consideration, which are reviewed annually.

Updated: January 5, 2023


  • Manager Selection Process
  • Manager Agreements
  • Manager Responsibilities
  • Sportsmanship - Managers, Coaches, Players and other League Members
  • Coaches’ Clinics 
  • Evaluation and Drafting of Players
  • Draft Rules
  • Live Scan
  • Dismissal of Managers/Coaches
  • Manager Conduct 
  • Manager Suspension
  • Spectator and Parent Conduct 
  • Progressive Penalty Schedule
  • Serving Suspensions
  • 2023 Little League Age Division Chart 
  • Division Formats & Season Ground Rules
  • Teeball Division
  • Farm Division
  • Rookie Division
  • Minor Division
  • Major Division
  • Additional Minor and Major Rules
  • Playoffs for Minor and Major
  • Protests 
  • Rainouts
  • Drafting Up of Players
  • Special Age Considerations
  • Fill in Players
  • Volunteer/Snack-Shack Obligation
  • Baseball Bats
  • Team Responsibilities
  • Home Team 
  • Visiting Team
  • All Star Information
  • All-Star Player Candidacy
  • All-Star Player Selection Process
  • All-Star Voting Guidelines
  • All-Star Coach and Assistant Coach Selection Process
  • Pitching Rules
  • COVID Protocols

Manager Selection Process

Managers and Coaches shall be appointed annually by the President and be approved by the Board of Directors. Managers shall be responsible for their actions on the field. In addition, Managers in the Rookie, Major and Minor divisions are responsible for the selection of their teams in accordance with established draft procedures. 

Applicant Managers must be an adult (18 years old). Anyone that is not an adult but interested in coaching can be considered for an assistant coaching position, however are not allowed to be the Manager of record for the team. Age exceptions will be considered in the lower division levels, however all Managers and Coaches will be subject to Board review and approval. 

Each applicant must provide the following information to be considered to Manage a team:  

  • Completed EVLL Coaches Interest Form

  • Copy of valid Driver’s License 

  • Short Resume/Bio on why they would like to Manage  

Each Applicant will be reviewed by the Board of Directors. Managers will be selected based upon:

  • Their baseball knowledge

  • Past and current support of Eastview Little League

  • Ability to develop the skills of the players and any other criteria determined by the Eastview Board of Directors. 

  • Board Members coaching or with a player in a specific division are excluded from participation in the Manager Selection process if they have a child in the same division.  

The Board of Directors will approve all Managers and Coaches in each division. In addition to the requirements stated above, additional consideration will be given for Manager Selection based upon the following criteria: 

  • Were you a Manager/Coach at Eastview last season? If yes, at what division level?  Have you been an active volunteer at Eastview other than coaching? 

  • Do you have experience as a Manager/Coach? 

  • Have you been cited or had the Board of Directors talk to you about your conduct? Have there been negative parent comments or other discipline issues against you during your tenure with Eastview? 

  • Do you have a strong reputation for developing the skills of players you have coached in previous seasons? 

  • Do you have a history of producing competitive teams? 

  • Are you a strong advocate for Eastview Little League? 

  • Do you possess the leadership and organizational skills promoted by Eastview and Little League? 

  • Do you have strong morals and the ability to work with/around children? 

  • Does your work schedule allow you the time to commit to the team (both practices and games)

Manager Agreements


Manager Responsibilities

As Manager, remember that your responsibilities are more than a coach. These include fundraisers, uniforms, equipment, and field maintenance, to name a few. As Manager you must oversee things both on and off the field. Each Manager should appoint a team parent to help organize team events, picture day, 50/50 raffle and fund-raisers. Each Manager in the Major, Minor, and Rookie divisions must appoint at least one official scorekeeper and scoreboard operator. The league will offer a scorekeeper’s clinic at a time and date to be announced. Questions regarding scorekeeping and scoreboard operation should be directed towards the Board of Directors.

Each Manager/Coach will be asked to take a turn at field security and cleanup. Some people take this job lightly, but this is a very important function for the league. The Safety/Security Manager will oversee this part of our program. Please do your part when asked to do so. See “Team Responsibilities”.

For safety reasons and league rules, the only people allowed in the dugouts during the game are players and coaches. This means no parents, children, siblings, or pets. No more than 3 coaches/individuals, including Manager are allowed in the dugout at any one time during a game (Ex: Manager & 2 Coaches).  For Teeball and Farm only, additional parents are allowed on the field during defensive play.

All teams are expected to participate in opening and closing ceremonies. All trophies and awards will be available at the closing day ceremonies only and will not be distributed until all league equipment is returned to the Equipment Manager.

Our fields require a lot of care and are deserving of respect from parents, coaches, and players. It takes a lot of work and help to maintain them. Please help whenever possible and always keep an eye open for those that might destroy or cause damage to any part of our field. This is a special place for our players and should be treated as such.

Alcohol, smoking, e-cigarettes/vaping, and chewing tobacco products are prohibited anywhere in the Eastview complex. The Eastview complex is the whole area atop Knoll Hill (to include the parking lots).

Under no circumstances are players in any division allowed outside the dugout in an “on-deck” position for batter warm-up swings. Warm-up swings may be taken only when batter has reached the area around home plate. 

Managers MUST meet prior to the start of every game to discuss the pitchers that are ineligible to pitch in that game. Please refer to the Official Scorebooks from each team’s prior game to determine whether a particular pitcher is eligible to pitch. 

Sportsmanship - Managers, Coaches, Players and other League Members 

The Executive Board of Directors monitor all League activities with respect to sportsmanship and enforce all regulations governing it. 

The Division Player Agents may appoint a monitor for all fields to assist him/her in carrying out these duties. All matters of poor sportsmanship by any League member shall be reported to the Player Agent and Board of Directors. 

  1. Managers shall notify the Player Agent of any persons being ejected from a ball game by an umpire. 

  2. Other displays of poor sportsmanship not resulting in immediate suspension from a game are also to be reported. Examples of such unsportsmanlike conduct include, but are not limited to: 

  • Throwing of hats, helmets or any other visible gesture of temper. 

  • Profanity or obscene gestures. 

  • Under the influence of alcohol or drinking alcoholic beverages on League premises. 

  • Smoking in the dugout or on the field of play. 

  • Undue harassment of umpires, players, managers, or coaches. 

The Player Agent, advised by his/her assistants, shall determine, and enforce the action to be taken on cases reported to and investigated by him/her. 

  1. Incidents of unsportsmanlike conduct by a participating member may be cause for temporary suspension from playing, coaching or managing in future games. 

  2. The party or parties may appeal all actions taken by the Player Agent. Notification of such appeal must be made in writing to the Board of Directors within 48 hours of the action. 

The appeal will then be reviewed by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors may suspend managers or coaches for any of the following reasons: 

  1. Violation of the minimum play rule; 

  2. Violation of the pitching rule; 

  3. Failure to field a team for a scheduled game; 

  4. Conduct which brings discredit upon himself/herself or his/her team; 

  5. Failure to comply with current operating rules for EVLL

Coaches’ Clinics 

Attendance is mandatory for any scheduled coaches’ clinic. Division Player Agent must approve attendance exemption. 

Evaluation and Drafting of Players

All Team Managers will be required to participate in the evaluation of players in their division. Evaluations will be held for all divisions except TeeBall and Farm. All Team Managers will be required to participate in the draft. Dates (and times if available) for both will be provided during the registration process to ensure you will be available on those dates to participate. Attendance at both is a requirement to be a Team Manager. 

Draft Rules

Managers/Coaches Pairings: The pairing of a coach and a coach’s child with a particular manager and manager’s child shall only be accomplished in the competitive divisions through normal drafting procedures. There shall be no pre-draft assignment of coaches and players to particular teams in the competitive divisions other than the assignment of a manager’s child to a manager.

Trades:  A player must play for the team to which he/she is drafted, for the duration of the season, unless that player is traded for another same round player on draft night.

Team Notification: Each manager shall notify the members of his/her team within 3 days following the player draft. The league drafting process is intended to balance talent and lead to a more competitive league. At no time should managers discuss the draft order or any other information from the player draft meeting with anyone. The only information to be shared is to inform a player/parent of which team he/she was drafted by and the other players on that team.

There will be no trading of players beyond the scheduled draft date. 

Live Scan

All Team Managers, Coaches and any parent who has interaction with a player: (1) on the EVLL playing fields, (2) during all games, including pre and post-game activities, (3) on the permitted or insured practice areas/fields, (4) at the batting cages, (5) at team workouts must have a Live Scan performed prior to participation in any practices with the players. 

In addition, the President and Board of Directors shall be Live Scan certified. It is the responsibility of the team Manager to monitor the adults at his/her team events and to report directly to the EVLL Safety Coordinator.

Dismissal of Managers/Coaches

The President may dismiss a manager/coach immediately for any of the following reasons until the board/committee makes final recommendations: 

  • Physical or verbal abuse of the players 

  • Fighting 

  • Being under the influence of alcohol 

  • Indecent exposure

Manager Conduct 

The Board of Directors cannot emphasize enough the importance of proper conduct of its Managers and Coaches. Because of this, the Managers and Coaches are new in the spotlight and may be scrutinized more now than ever before, regarding their behavior on and off the field. We are only human and the desire to win is great, but when it is taken a step further through outbursts of rage and anger, especially under the watchful and impressionable eyes of a young child, this simply cannot be tolerated. 

Remember that, as a Manager or Coach, you are directly responsible for not only yourself, but of your players and parents. The Manager is the only person allowed to have contact with the umpires, unless previous arrangements have been made prior to the start of the game that designates that responsibility to an assistant Coach. Managers/Coaches are expected, above all, to set the example of good sportsmanship and self-control. The following is important information on what you can expect in the event your conduct or the conduct of your coaches, players or parents becomes an issue. The Board of Directors, along with District 27 Officials, will support the actions explained below to the full extent of the rules and ethics of Little League Baseball.

Manager Suspension

Any Managers and/or Coaches removed from a game by the umpire WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE SUSPENDED FROM THE NEXT SCHEDULED GAME regardless of the reason. Managers and/or Coaches who are removed from a game shall leave the premises immediately without incident and not allowed to stay in or around the Eastview complex. Do not continue arguing with the umpire as this will only make the situation worse. If any Manager’s Assistant Coach is ejected, the umpire has the right to also eject the Manager. Remember all eyes are on you from both sides of the stands, especially the kids in the dugout or on the field. You must provide written details of the incident to a Board Member within 24-hours (see paragraph on serving suspensions). Subsequent ejections will require that the Manager/Coach in question appear in person with all parties involved, before the Board of Directors at the next possible meeting. The Board of Directors will initiate the proper discipline, suspensions, etc. A District 27 Official may be brought in to assist in this area. Continual incidents of Manager/Coach misconduct will subject the Manager/Coach to potential loss of team and could revoke future affiliation with the League.

Spectator and Parent Conduct 

Spectator and/or parent conduct in the stands is another issue that becomes your responsibility as a Manager. If a spectator or parent in the stands on your side of the field is asked to leave by the umpire, it is your responsibility to see that the parent leaves the Eastview complex. Do not make an incident worse by immediately taking the side of the spectator. Remove or ask the problem spectator to leave and let the situation dissolve. Let the problem spectator know that you as well could be ejected from the game or the game could be forfeited if the situation gets worse. You may then discuss your differences with the Board of Directors who will then notify the Chief Umpire of the problem. Please talk about spectator conduct to your parents at your team meeting before the season begins.

Arguing calls will NOT be allowed. All play calls will stand as called. In case of an incorrect interpretation of a rule, the call will stand for the play in question. At the conclusion of the game, contact the Umpire in Chief, give him the information of the rule in question and the game umpire will be contacted and the correct interpretation of the rule discussed.

Progressive Penalty Schedule

The Eastview Board of Directors reserves the right to discipline those involved in the League (Managers, Coaches, parents, players, spectators, etc) as it sees fit based upon the circumstances of the incident.

For infractions that are rule and/or behavior violation related (including but not limited to, pitch counts, pitcher to catcher rules, minimum play requirements, etc) OR infractions that are behavior related (including but not limited to, altercations with umpires, altercations with opposing Managers/Coaches, altercations with parents, behavior towards players, etc.) the following penalties shall be imposed at a minimum:

  • First Infraction = 1 game suspension. The Manager/Coach must serve the suspension during the next played game (NO EXCEPTIONS). 

  • Second Infraction = 2 game suspension. The Manager/Coach must serve the suspension during the next 2 played games (NO EXCEPTIONS). 

  • Third Infraction = Loss of team and possible forfeiture of affiliation with league in the capacity of a Manager or Coach. 

Behavioral discipline, based upon the severity of the offense or the cumulative total of multiple previous offenses, could necessitate immediate removal from affiliation with Eastview Little League. Such decisions shall be at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors. 

In the event a parent of a child on your team is ejected, the Managers will serve a suspension as well. 


Serving Suspensions

Managers, coaches, parents, or spectators who are serving suspensions are NOT ALLOWED ANYWHERE ON EASTVIEW COMPLEX DURING THE GAME THEY ARE SUSPENDED FOR. Eastview Little League retains the right to have anyone arrested for trespassing if this rule is not fully complied with. Violation of this rule will be additional suspensions from subsequent games and/or forfeiture of Managerial or coaching duties and/or denial of any parent to watch games at the Eastview complex.

2023 Little League Age Division Chart 

Eastview Little League offers baseball for league ages 4-15 in divisions that are based upon “League Age”. League age is determined by Little League International and can be found by using the age chart attached below. Please note that League Age is not necessarily the same “age’; of your player. Little League encourages players to ascend through division play and not skip or “play up” a division.


Division Formats & Season Ground Rules

Teeball Division:

Age Requirement:

4, 5- and 6-year-olds. *No 7-year-olds. (Unless approved by Board of Directors) 


Regular T-Ball/Baseball fundamentals are learned. The main focus of this level is the enjoyment of the game and the fun in being part of a team. No scores are kept. Teeball is the first formal introduction to baseball. Make it an enjoyable experience for the kids. Get your team parents involved to work together and enjoy this time as well. The friendships you and your child make in one season of Teeball may continue throughout the following baseball years at Eastview Little League. 


Game Format:

Stage 1: Games 1-7 - All players will use the tee for each at bat.

Stage 2: Games 8-10 - Coach pitch begins with players adjusting to standard positions in BOTH the infield and outfield.

All batters must hit off the tee for the first seven games of the season. There will be coach pitch in Teeball starting in game 8. Coaches will be allowed to throw 5 pitches MAX. If after 5 pitches, the batter does not put a ball in play, the tee will be used. The tee shall be used for this player for the rest of that at-bat. 

Season Ground Rules:

All players on the roster shall play defensively every inning. 

Coaches are permitted on the field (both infield and outfield) to allow on-the-spot coaching. Please limit the amount to 4 on the field at one time, if possible. 

There should be at least one adult in the dugout area with the players at all times. 

All players will bat in an inning. Last batter will run all the way around the bases. The batting order should change each inning to avoid the same player batting last for the entire game. 

Games will be 3 innings or 1-hour whichever comes first. 

There will be no standings. No score will be kept. 

One Coach will be positioned at home plate to assist batters. 

Effective Game 10, for the remainder of the season, when a ball is hit, play will continue until the batter/runner is safe at base, is put out or a fielder makes an attempt to throw the ball to the pitcher. If an out is made at any base, that runner will be called out and sent back to the dugout.

No extra bases are taken at any time.

Sportsmanship is a more important lesson at the Teeball level. 

There will be no strikeouts, walks, bunting, or stealing of bases. 

There should be no sliding. 


A batted ball should travel at least 10 feet in order to be a fair ball. If it does not, re-bat the same player. 

Batters/runners must wear a helmet at all times. 

No catcher will be utilized at any time.

Both teams are responsible for cleaning the Teeball field area, including under and around the grandstands and dugout. Rake or drag the dirt areas. 

Keep control of your dugout. Reduce risk of injury to themselves or other players. Never allow players to climb the fences, run outside the dugout, jump on the bench, or play with water during games or practices.

Farm Division:

Age Requirement:

5 year-olds who have played at least 1 year of Teeball in the Spring and 6 year-olds.


The Farm Division will help players learn the basic fundamentals of baseball. It will consist of coach pitch, proper base running, defensive positions and implementation of outs. The main focus of this level is to introduce the next stage of fundamentals while still providing enjoyment of the game and the fun in being part of a team. No scores are kept. 

Game Format:

Stage 1: Games 1-10 - Coach pitch, use of tee after 5th coach pitch is missed (See Pitching Section below).

Stage 2: Games 10-20 - Coach pitch only, tee option is removed.  

  1. Games are four (4) innings or one hour and thirty minutes, whichever comes first.

  2. All games will be played using the Local League provided leather flexi-ball.

  3. Distance between bases is sixty (60) feet.  Distance between home plate and pitcher’s mound is forty (40) feet.

  4. Game scores are not kept.

  5. No team standings or player statistics shall be maintained. 


Season Ground Rules:

Offensive Play/Batting:

  1. The Offensive team shall supply first and third adult base coaches who will assist the runners on base and shall call all plays on the bases. 

  2. The Offensive team shall supply a coach pitcher that will pitch to his/her batters and will protect the defensive pitcher from injury.  This coach will make all calls occurring at home plate. 

  3. The Offensive team shall have a coach, or approved volunteer, in the dugout at all times when the players are present.  No player is allowed to hold a bat while in the dugout unless they are moving onto the field of play or returning from the field of play.    

  4. STAGE 1: Teams shall bat their entire roster each inning regardless of the number of outs.  The batting order shall not be changed during the game, BUT shall change each game. 

  5. STAGE 2: Teams shall play 3 outs per inning, resuming the batting order where left off the previous inning. The batting order shall not be changed during the game, BUT shall change each game. 

  6. There will be no base on balls or bases awarded as a result of a player being hit by a pitched ball. 

  7. Any batter who throws the bat will be warned that if he/she throws the bat a second time in the game he/she will be called out.  The batter shall be called out the first time the bat is thrown if it hits anyone. 

  8. Bunting is not allowed.

  9. Leading off and stealing bases is not allowed. 

  10. Runners shall not advance to the next base on any passed or overthrown balls. 

  11. A runner may only slide feet first.  No head first sliding is permitted.  Any player who slides head first shall be called out. 

  12. When a player hits a ball into the field of play that player may only advance to 1st base if the ball does not travel past where the defensive infielders are playing.  When a player hits a ball into the field of play and the ball travels into the outfield past where the defensive infielders were playing that batter may advance as far as second (2nd) base, but will do so at the risk of being tagged out at 2nd base. 

  13. STAGE 1: The final batter in each half inning shall run from the batter’s box around all bases (Home Run) once they put the ball into play and is not subject to being thrown or tagged out at any base.  The defensive team may attempt a play, but the runner will not be out if they are successful.      

Defensive Play:

  1. Up to three (3) adult defensive coaches are permissible on the field to assist defensive players. 

  2. When playing defense, all team members are on the field.  Infielders (Pitcher, Catcher, 1st Base, 2nd Base, Short Stop, and 3rd Base) shall play normal positions.  The remaining players will fill the outfield. 

  3. Outfield positions must be played in the outfield.  Outfield players shall not be permitted to crowd into the infield and shall not be permitted to run into the infield to field a ball that would normally be handled by an infielder. 

  4. Any player fielding the position of Catcher must wear all the proper protective equipment (Helmet, Mask, Throat Guard, Chest Protector, and Leg Protection) and shall play the proper position behind home plate.  An Offensive or Defensive coach is recommended to aid the catcher in returning the balls to the coach pitcher.   

  5. The Pitcher must begin within five (5) feet of the pitching rubber. 

  6. Each Player, in every game, must play at least two (2) defensive innings as an infielder.  Infield positions include Pitcher, Catcher, 1st Base, 2ndBase, Short Stop, and 3rd Base.  There will be no exceptions unless a player is injured and leaves the game; or the Manager makes alternative arrangements with the consent of Vice President of Player Agents and/or Player Agent of Farm division. 

  7. The infield fly rule does not apply.  



  1. STAGE 1: Each batter will receive five (5) pitches from a coach pitcher.  If the batter does not hit the ball into fair play after the batter receives the 5th pitch (irrespective of pitch quality), then the player shall hit off the tee.  If the batter fouls the 5th pitch thrown by the coach, he/she will continue to receive pitches until the batter swings and misses at a pitch or puts the ball in fair play, whichever comes first. STAGE 2: Tee option is removed, player shall be out after 5 missed pitches.

  2. The Offensive coach that is pitching shall call all plays at home plate. 

  3. The coach shall only pitch overhand, from a knee/bucket, and from a distance that will give the batter ample time to react to the ball. 

  4. Coaches that violate the five (5) pitch rule shall be addressed.  The rule ensures that the defensive team can maintain focus long enough to adequately protect themselves from a hard-hit ball.   

Rookie Division:

Age Requirement:

7 and 8-year-olds. (6-year-olds, only upon Board approval after evaluations.) 


The Rookie Division is a fundamental division based on a semi-competitive, fun environment with positive coaching and a concentration on sportsmanship. The purpose of the Rookie Division is to continue to teach the basic fundamentals of baseball and the understandings of playing the game in an effort to be ready, when able, to participate at the Minor League level. Players should learn to hit a moving ball properly, run the bases correctly and make outs defensively. No scores are kept. Teams shall play 3 outs per inning, resuming the batting order where left off the previous inning. The batting order shall not be changed during the game, BUT shall change each game. 

Game Format:

The Rookie Division will utilize a two-stage approach: 

Stage 1: Games 1-2: A Player will pitch to the opposing team; the Umpire/Coach will record all swinging and called strikes. During the first stage, there will be no walks. After a fourth ball is recorded, the offensive Coach will pitch to the batter for the remaining strikes of the count. (Example: Count is 3 balls and 1 strike and ball 4 is delivered. The hitter will have 1 strike to put the ball in play from the Coach pitch). The batter will assume the count. The batter cannot get out on a foul ball unless it is caught by the opposing team. Coach pitch will be limited to 5 pitches. If the batter does not hit, he/she is out.

Stage 2: Games 3-20: The second phase of the season will be kid pitch as well. Walks will be allowed. Umpires/Coaches will call games from behind home plate. One base advancement by the runner will be allowed on errant throws; runners cannot advance to home. Each player must play at least 1 innings (3 defensive outs) as an infielder unless there is an exception. Furthermore, the 1 innings (3 defensive outs) must take place prior to the start of the 5th inning. 

Season Ground Rules:


One base advancement by the runner will be allowed on errant throws; runners cannot advance to home. Base runners will not be allowed to advance bases on errant throws from any position; however, base runners will be permitted to advance on fair hit balls until the play is declared dead by the Umpire/Coach.

Play Time

Each player must play at least 2 innings (6 defensive outs) as an infielder unless there is an exception. Furthermore, the 2 innings (6 defensive outs) must take place prior to the start of the 5th inning. No player shall play any position for more than 2 innings. No player shall serve on the bench more than 2 innings per game.


A pitching rubber standing at 40 feet for all pitchers. Only 7 or 8 year olds (LEAGUE AGE) are eligible to pitch.


No bunting is allowed at any stage of Rookie Division play. 


Infield shall be standard baseball positions. Outfield shall be limited to 4.

Time Limit

Rookie Division will play either 6 innings or 1-hour 45 minutes, whichever comes first. No new inning after 1 hour 30 minutes.


In the event Umpires are not available, Coaches will act as Umpires. 

Additional Rookie Rules

  1. All runners may steal 2nd or 3rd base only. 

  2. There will be no stealing home or advancing home from 3rd base on a throw from the catcher to any base or a passed ball. The runner on 3rd base must be walked in when permitted or batted in.

  3. There will be no leadoffs, and no in-field fly rule. 

  4. Only 7 or 8 year olds (LEAGUE AGE) are eligible to pitch.

  5. There will be no headfirst sliding when advancing to the next base. Batters sliding headfirst into home will be called out. 

  6. Adult coaches may not coach out on the playing field (fair territory) during play. They must call time out to approach the pitcher or batter. Standard time out rules apply. 

  7. IMPORTANT! NO BATTER WARM-UP: At no time shall a player have possession of a bat until outside the dugout. There is no batter warm-up area! Batter must wait until he/she gets to the plate. 

Minor Division:

Age Requirement:

9 and 10 years old.. *No 11 year olds (see Drafting Up of Players/ Special Age Considerations section) 


Minor division is competitive play. The purpose of the Minor League is to build the player’s skill level, understanding of rules and regulations, teach teamwork, good sportsmanship, build character, and self-esteem. This is a full season of competitive baseball. Standard baseball positions shall be utilized. There is no 4th outfield. Season scores are kept and determine placement for the year-end single elimination tournament. Managers are encouraged to develop players, so they are ready for the Major division. 

Game Format:

Games will consist of 6 innings, but no new inning may start after 2 hours. Playoff games will be for a full six (6) innings unless a Ten Run Rule (Slaughter Rule) is in effect. If a new inning starts just prior to 2 hours, that inning must be completed regardless of time. Please have your teams arrive early enough to allow ample time for each team to have infield warm-up. If the previous game extends beyond its regular game time, the following game must still start at the designated time or immediately thereafter, if scheduled time has expired. Due to this event, warm-up time may not be possible in order to make up time.

Winter rules will be in effect until daylight savings time changes. The umpire’s decision to end the game due to darkness is final. A called game ends at the moment the umpire terminates play. If a game is called due to darkness or time limits before an inning is completed, the game score will revert back to the last completed inning to determine the winner. 

The Minor Division will be “Round Robin” batting. Every player will be in the batting order whether or not he/she is in the game defensively. A player arriving late and misses his/her first regular “at bat” must be inserted at the bottom of the batting lineup. The Manager is to notify the Scorekeeper and the opposing Manager. 

Season Ground Rules:

There will be no protests in the Minor Division. 

It is required to adhere to all pitching rules and regulations. Please refer to the Little League Pitching Rules section at the back of this book. It is your responsibility as Manager to understand and abide by these pitching rules. Also, please see current years Official Little League Rule Book. Violations of the pitching rules may subject Managers and/ or Coaches to games suspensions. 

Minor League Division regular season games that end in a tie will remain a tie. 

There is no dropped 3rd strike rule at the Minor League level. 

TEN RUN RULE (Slaughter Rule): If after 3 innings (2 and one half innings if the home team is ahead) and one team has a lead of 15 runs or more, or if at 4 innings (3 and one half innings if the home team is ahead) and one team has a lead of 10 runs or more, the Manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. NOTE: If the visiting team has a lead of 15 runs or more for 3rd inning or 10 runs or more for 4th inning, the home team must bat in its half of the inning. 

Major Division:

Age Requirement: 

All 11- and 12-year-olds.


This is a full season of competitive baseball, with two finalists playing in a championship series. Series is based on the quantity of teams in the Major division for that year.

Game Format:

Major games will be 6 innings. There is no time limit unless the game is called by the umpire due to darkness or rain. If any game is called by the umpire and it is an official game (3- and one-half innings if the home team is winning or 4 completed innings if the visitor is winning), and the next inning cannot be completed, the game score will revert back to the last completed inning to determine a winner. If the 4th inning (official) cannot be completed, the game will be concluded at a rescheduled date and time. Major division teams continue all tie games.

Batting will be round robin with free substitution, but minimum play requirements must be met. 

Season Ground Rules:

It is the Manager's requirement to read and understand Little League’s pitching rules and regulations. Please refer to the Little League Pitching Rules section at the back of this book. It is your responsibility as Manager to understand and abide by these pitching rules. Also, please see current years Official Little League Rule Book. Violations of the pitching rules may subject Managers and/or Coaches to game suspensions.

If a team loses a player refer to the Drafting up of Players section of this handbook.

The minimum roster for a Major Division team is 12. No Major division team shall have a roster of less than 12 players unless 75% of the scheduled games have been completed. There shall be no drafting up of players after 75% of the schedule is played.

TEN RUN RULE (Slaughter Rule): If after 4 innings, (3 and one half innings if the home team is ahead) and one team has a lead of 10 runs or more, the Manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. NOTE: If the visiting team has a lead of 10 runs or more, the home team must bat in its half of the inning. 

There is no 5-Run Rule for any innings.

Adult coaches may be used as base coaches at both 1st and 3rd base at the same time during an inning. The third Coach or Manager must be in the dugout. Base coaches and dugout coaches count as three coaches per dugout per game. You may still use a player in substitute for an adult base coach. 

If a game is to be protested, the following must be observed: Major Managers must give written details of the protest to the Majors Player Agent within 24-hours of the incident or protested game. A meeting with the protesting Manager, Majors Player Agent, and the Board of Directors will be scheduled as soon as possible. 

Dropped third strike rule is in effect. 


Major Additional Rules: 

  • No headfirst sliding. 

  • No spikes. 

  • Games played with no new inning after the 2-hour time limit, drop dead at 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Additional Minor and Major Rules

4.16 – All games on the competitive level may not be started with less than nine (9) players on each team.

  • If a game cannot be played because of the inability of either team to: (a) place nine players on the field before the game begins, and/or, (b) place at least one adult in the dugout as manager or acting manager, this shall not be grounds for automatic forfeiture, but shall be referred to the Board of Directors for a decision as to forfeiture or reschedule. 

  • The team manager shall report in writing (email only) to the Board of Directors within 24 hours of the game start time the reason. 

  • If not reported within 24 hours of the start time the game will result in forfeit. 

  • The Umpire in Charge will report to the Chief Umpire any game that is unable to be started. 

  • The Chief Umpire will then report to the League President 

Note: An unofficial game may be played with the players present but will not be counted as an official game.

Each Manager is required to follow the mandatory Play Rule, found in the Little League Playing Rules. Each player must play defensively for 9 outs. A player not playing the minimum requirement will start the next game and play any previous requirement not met plus the minimum for the current game. This also applies to games called due to weather, darkness, or time limits. Violation of these rules will subject the violating Manager and/or coach to disciplinary action. 

NO BATTER WARM-UP: Little League rules prohibit any batter to warm up prior to batting (on deck area). No player should ever have a bat in their possession while in the dugout. Batters may not take warm-up swings until reaching the area around the batter box.

Only the Manager or acting Manager is allowed to approach an umpire from the dugout to dispute a call. Coaches are not allowed to approach the umpire at any time unless a Manager is absent and they are filling in as acting Manager. Permission to leave the dugout to approach the umpire must be granted by the umpire before leaving the dugout. 

With two (2) outs in an inning only and if the catcher from the previous inning is a base runner and will be the catcher of record for the next inning, a Manager may elect to replace the catcher on the base paths with the last recorded, batted out. This will allow the catcher to gear up for the next inning in an attempt to expedite the flow of the game. 

While on defense, one (1) coach is allowed to sit on a bucket at the opening of the dugout to signal pitches to the catcher.

Playoffs for Minor and Major

Tie-Breaker Rules for all competitive divisions (play-off standings only). 

Two (2) teams tied with identical records: 

  1. Head-to-Head games. Team with the best record for the 2023 season wins the tiebreaker. If still tied, go to b. 

  2. Least runs allowed in games played against each other for the 2023 season. If still tied, go to c. 

  3. Coin toss.

Three (3) or more teams tied with identical records:

Best record in games played against the teams involved in three-way tie for the 2023 season wins tiebreaker.

If two of the three teams have identical records for the 2023 season, refer to tiebreaker for two (2) teams described above.

If all three (3) teams have identical records: 

  1. Least runs allowed in games played against each other for the 2023 season wins tiebreaker. 

  2. Most runs scored in games played against each other of the 2023 season in question wins the tiebreaker. 

  3. Least runs allowed for the 2023 season wins tiebreaker (if all played equal number of games). 

  4. Most runs scored for the 2023 season in question wins tiebreaker (if all played equal number of games).

This format is subject to change and all Managers will be notified.

Minor Division:

This is a full season of competitive baseball. The Minor division playoffs consist of a single elimination tournament for all teams at the completion of the regular season games. Tournament seeding will be established from the regular season standings. Playoff games will be for a full six (6) innings unless a Ten Run (Slaughter Rule) is in effect. Every team makes the playoffs. So regardless of how your season went, you have the same chance in the tournament as any other team. This gives the team time to develop and work together as the season continues. Final standings for the season are those after the tournament – not the regular season games. Top two teams in the tournament will receive first and second place trophies respectively. All other teams will receive a league participation trophy. This format is subject to change and all Managers will be notified. 

Preliminary Playoff Format

  • Only Eastview vs Eastview games will count toward Eastview Playoff Standings. 

  • At the completion of all regular season games the team with the most wins will be seeded first (1) for the payoffs. The team with the second most wins will be seeded 2nd, third most 3rd place seeding and fourth most will be in the 4th place seeding position. 

  • Higher seed team is the Home team.

The play of brackets will be announced at the postseason Managers meeting. Bracketing will be determined by the number of teams in the division.

Major Division:

Only Eastview vs Eastview games will count toward Eastview Playoff Standings. 

  • At the completion of all regular season games the team with the most wins will be seeded first (1) for the payoffs. The team with the second most wins will be seeded 2nd, third most 3rd place seeding and fourth most will be in the 4th place seeding position. 

  • Higher seed team is the Home team.

The play of brackets will be announced at the postseason Managers meeting. Bracketing will be determined by the number of teams in the division.


Protests are allowed in the Major Division only. There are no protests in the Minor Division. The umpire shall have the final authority. See Major ground rules.


In the event of inclement weather, the Board of Directors may reschedule rain-outs.

Drafting Up of Players

If a Major division team loses a player to injury or any reason and that player will miss 25% of the season (based upon consecutive games missed), the Manager must inform the Player Agent that a player has been lost and the reason why within 24 hours. The Player Agent will, upon notice from the Manager, immediately notify the Board of Directors. The Major team must draft up a player under this circumstance. A Major team is not allowed to call up a player from the Minor divisions if there are less than 4 games remaining in the season. The drafting up of a player from a lower division team must be made within 7 days or 2 games from when the player was first lost. If a Manager fails to advise the Player Agent of a player selection within the specified time period, the Player Agent will select a player to fill the vacancy. 


This is handled only by the Board of Directors only. 

Violation of this rule will constitute a forfeiture of the Manager’s right to draft up this player. The Manager wishing to draft up a player shall notify the Player Agent of his selection and the Player Agent will then contact the player, player’s parents and the lower division Manager. As soon as the Player Agent informs the player that he/she has been drafted up, the player becomes a new member of the team. If the injured player is able to resume playing during the latter part of the season, the Major team in question will continue playing with both players for the remainder of the season. In the event a Major team with both players advances to the District 27 Tournament of Champions, the Eastview Board will attempt to arrange for a special waiver to allow more than 12 players to compete, if necessary. 


Refusals to be drafted to the assigned division will be handled by the Player Agent. The drafting up of lower division players will be limited to a maximum of 1 player per Minor/Rookie team per season. 

Being called up during the season does not guarantee an All-Star Selection.  In the Major Division, if they are determined to impact the end of the season playoffs, the Board of Directors shall have the final authority on this decision.

Special Age Considerations

Parents/Guardians of a player may request to have a player stay down in the lower divisions by submitting a letter to the Player Agent for approval by the Board of Directors. If the player in question is a 12-year-old requesting to play Minors, the District Administrator must then approve the request. All requests must be approved prior to draft. Players must participate in evaluations in order to request to be reviewed by the Board of Directors. If a request is disapproved, the player must play in the division drafted.

Fill in Players

A qualified 9th player may play for an opposing team, if mutually agreed upon. Players will be designated from an opposing team, if available, or in advance from a pool of player volunteers. He/She may NOT pitch as a fill in. 


Volunteer/Snack Shack Obligation

Each family will be required to volunteer in the Snack Shack in order to assist Eastview Little League with the operations of the Snack Shack. Each family will be obligated to provide a check/cash payment as a deposit for their commitment to volunteer during the season. The amount and days required to volunteer will be determined each season by the Board of Directors. For the 2023 Spring Season, each family will be required to provide a payment in the amount of $150.00 per child (up to 3 children) at the Mandatory Parent Meeting on January 21, 2023. Should you choose to volunteer, the following requirement must be met in order to be refunded your payment:

1 Child = 2 shifts

2 Children = 3 Shifts

3 Children = 4 Shifts

Shift times and dates will be determined once a final game schedule is available.

Baseball Bats 

Rule 1.10 – Baseball

The bat must be a baseball bat which meets the USA Baseball Bat standard (USABat) as adopted by Little League. It shall be a smooth, rounded stick, and made of wood or of material and color tested and proved acceptable to the USA Baseball Bat standard (USABat).

Beginning with the 2018 season, non-wood and laminated bats used in the Little League (Majors) and below, Intermediate (50-70) Division, Junior League divisions, and Challenger division shall bear the USA Baseball logo signifying that the bat meets the USABat – USA Baseball’s Youth Bat Performance Standard. All BPF – 1.15 bats will be prohibited beginning with the 2018 season. Additionally, starting in 2018, the bat diameter shall not exceed 2⅝ inches for these divisions of play. Bats meeting the Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution (BBCOR) standard may also be used in the Intermediate (50-70) Division and Junior League divisions. Additional information is available at LittleLeague.org/batinfo.


Under the USABat standard, certified Teeball bats (26″ and shorter) will feature the USA Baseball mark and text which reads ONLY FOR USE WITH APPROVED TEEBALLS. All Teeball bats must feature the USA Baseball mark and accompanying text. Teeball bats that were produced and/or purchased prior to the implementation of the new standard can be certified using an Approved Teeball Sticker via the USA Baseball Teeball Sticker Program (USABaseballShop.com) beginning September 1, 2017.

NOTE: Approved Teeball bats may also be used for Coach Pitch/Machine Pitch Minor Divisions only with the use of approved Teeballs.

Minor/Major Divisions:

It shall not be more than 33 inches in length; nor more than 2⅝ inches in diameter, and if wood, not less than fifteen-sixteenths (15/16) inches in diameter (7/8 inch for bats less than 30″) at its smallest part. Wood bats taped or fitted with a sleeve may not exceed sixteen (16) inches from the small end.

NOTE 1: Solid one-piece wood barrel bats do not require a USA Baseball logo.

NOTE 2: Approved Teeball bats may also be used for Coach Pitch/Machine Pitch Minor Divisions only with the use of approved Teeballs.

Intermediate (50-70) Division and Junior League:

It shall not be more than 34″ inches in length; nor more than 2⅝ inches in diameter, and if wood, not less than fifteen-sixteenths (15/16) inches in diameter (7/8 inch for bats less than 30″) at its smallest part. Wood bats taped or fitted with a sleeve may not exceed eighteen (18) inches from the small end.

NOTE 1: Solid one-piece wood barrel bats do not require a USA Baseball logo.

NOTE 2: Also, permitted for the Intermediate (50-70) Division and Junior League Division are bats meeting the BBCOR performance standard, and so labeled with a silkscreen or other permanent certification mark. The certification mark shall be rectangular, a minimum of a half-inch on each side and located on the barrel of the bat in any contrasting color. Aluminum/alloy and composite bats shall be marked as to their material makeup being aluminum/alloy or composite. This marking shall be silkscreen or other permanent certification mark, a minimum of one-half-inch on each side, and located on the barrel of the bat in any contrasting color.

Team Responsibilities

Home Team


Minor and Major Divisions must provide the official scorekeeper for each game. Official scorebooks will be located in snack-shack as well as electronic score pads for the scoreboards. All scorekeepers must be in the scorekeeper's area directly behind the Umpire each game. Scorekeepers must track pitch counts for the game. Scorekeepers are not allowed to keep score in the stands or dugouts. Both Managers are required to sign the scorebook at the end of the game. The scorebook will be considered official when returned to the snack shack. No corrections or additions will be allowed once the scorebook is official. The scorebook and score pads shall be returned to their proper place after each game. (See Pitching RUles)

Illegible Scorebook - A scorebook will be considered illegible if the League Scorekeeper is unable to determine the final score of the game. If the scorebook is determined to be illegible by the League Scorekeeper the Scorekeeper will notify the League President. The League President will then present the scorebook to the Eastview Board of Directors. If the Board of Directors finds the book illegible the home team will receive a forfeit for the game in question.


Major and Minor teams must provide an adult volunteer to operate the scoreboard at Field’s 1 and 2. This volunteer can be the scorekeeper, if willing and able to do both.


Team Parent will be responsible for ensuring that the 50/50 raffle is done once per game. Raffle tickets and instructions will be obtained at the snack-shack. Team Parent and Manager, please make sure this gets done!


Following the game, clean your dugout, pick-up and empty trash under and around the stands on your side of the field. Lock and secure all gates and scorekeepers booths if the last game of the day.


All home teams that play the last game of the day will be responsible for security and clean-up for their respective field. Duties include: empty all trash cans in large dumpsters, clean-up trash around complex and grandstands, lock all gates, scorekeepers’ booths, bathrooms, and batting cages. The Home Team is Responsible to stay until Snack Shack is closed and locked up. Any questions can be directed to the Security/Safety Officer.

Visiting Team




After the game: drag field, groom mound and around home plate. When dragging the field, try to keep brick dust off grass and try not to tear up the edge of grass with a dragger. NOTE: ALWAYS REPLACE THE PLUGS FOR THE BASES WHEN FINISHING THE FIELD CLEAN UP. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT AND SHOULD BE FOLLOWED. IF YOU CANNOT FIND THREE PLUGS, PLEASE INFORM A BOARD MEMBER OR THE SNACK SHACK ATTENDANT.


Put away bases and any other equipment used.


Clean dugout and pick-up trash under and around stands on your side of the field. Make sure the equipment gate is completely locked up.

All Star Information

The All-Star Committee will be formed by the Board of Directors and shall include: Vice President of Player Agents, Secretary and 2 active Board of Directors.

1. A member of the All-Star Committee cannot serve as an All-Star Coach. If a Board member holding an All-Star Committee position wishes to be considered for an All-Star Coach, the Board of Directors shall approve a Board member replacement.

2. If a board member's spouse, parent, child or sibling is an all-star coach, they shall also concede the position of the all-star committee due to conflict of interest. 

3. No parent of a child who is eligible for All-Stars shall be on the committee for, or involved in any way with, the selection of the teams or the evaluation of players.

4. The All-Star committee shall hold an initial meeting with all coaches on May 16th annually. Should that day fall on a weekend, the meeting will occur on the Monday immediately following the date of the 16th. Said meeting will be mandatory for all coaches from each qualifying division. Should additional time be needed, another meeting time must be mutually agreed-upon on all coaches, but should not take place more than 72 hours after the initial meeting.

All-Star Player Candidacy

1. ALL Junior, Intermediate, Major, and Minor players will be required to complete the Player Commitment Form. All forms need to be signed and returned or the player will not be eligible. 

2. Candidates must meet Little League age and residency (or school) eligibility requirements. Proof of eligibility will be required.

3. Poor sportsmanship, attitude and behavior will not be tolerated and is the reason to reject a candidate’s nomination at the Board’s discretion.

4. All candidates must be available to play in all District 27 Tournament games. Players not meeting this commitment will not be qualified for the following year’s All-Star team.

5. Playing Up: A 9U player may elect to be considered for the 10U team. An 11U player may elect to be considered for the 12U team. However, a player can only fill out a Player Commitment Form for ONE All-Star team.

All-Star Player Selection Process

1. The League will have one All-Star team each for the Junior and Intermediate Divisions. The Major Division will have two All-Star teams – a 12U and an 11U team. The Minor Division will have two All-Star teams – a 10U (Team A) and a 9U team (Team B).

2. Each team will have 13 rostered players and no alternates.

3. From the Player Commitment Forms, the All-Star Committee will compile ballots with a list of all eligible candidates by division and team.

4. ALL Managers and each team’s two official Assistant Coaches will get a ballot to vote for up to 13 candidates for each All-Star team in their division. 

5. Instructions will be provided on the ballot and monitored and enforced by the All-Star Committee. 

6. Coaches and Assistant Coaches are allowed to vote for their own child.

7. The All-Star Committee will tally the votes from the coach ballots separately and two lists will be formed with players ranked from the highest (most votes) to lowest.

8. The top 15 players on the player list and the top 15 players on the coaches’ list will move to the next round.

9. All ties will favor the players.

10. From the two lists, each division’s coaches and the All-Star Committee will convene to determine the top 13 players.

11. Final All-Star player rosters need to be approved by the Board of Directors.

All-Star Voting Guidelines

1. Coaches are not allowed to influence the player vote and will be subject to disciplinary action by the Board if caught.

2. Coaches and Assistant Coaches are allowed to vote for their own child.

3. All ballots will be reviewed for legitimate submission. No write-in candidates are allowed.

4. Coach voting will be individual with no collaborative process amongst other coaches. Coaches caught colluding will be disciplined with action up to or including removal and disqualification as a coach at EV Little League.

5. No official announcement of the final roster will be made, and no parent or child shall be informed of selection, until an official announcement is made by the Board of Directors. If any parent or child is informed Prior to official announcement, said child will not be guaranteed a position on the team.

6. Any coach who discusses players, or the draft process, outside of official all-star committee meetings, is subject to disciplinary action by the board. Any board member who discusses players, or the draft process, to any non-board member will be subject to immediate removal of their position on the board.

All-Star Coach and Assistant Coach Selection Process

Candidates must be in good standing with the League, have excellent knowledge of

Little League rules, be able to meet extensive time commitments, and have coached or assisted coached a team within the division that season.

• All coaches interested in coaching a EVLL All-Star Team will be required to fill out the All-Star Coach Commitment Form and return it to the All-Star Committee.

• The All-Star Committee will review the completed forms and approve all eligible candidates

• During the All-Star player selection meeting, the All-Star Coach and two Assistant Coaches from this list for each All-Star team will be selected.

• The All-Star Committee will evaluate each interested coach and selection will be made based on commitment through the season, knowledge of the sport and rules, and coaching ethic.

• Final All-Star coaches and assistant coaches need to be approved by the Board of Directors and shall be announced once EVLL playoffs have commenced.

The Board of Directors can correct gross imbalances to pre-announced 

All-Star teams and remove any player or coach for improper behavior or conduct deemed not in the best interest of Eastview Little League.

Pitching Rules

Managers MUST meet prior to the start of every game to discuss the pitchers that are ineligible to pitch in that game. Please refer to the Official Scorebooks from each team’s prior game to determine whether a particular pitcher is eligible to pitch.

IMPORTANT NOTE - The number of pitches a player is allowed to throw is based upon their league age (as indicated on the Eastview application) AND NOT their actual age. For Little League purposes, there could be a difference between the league age and the actual age of the player. Pitch counts based on league age will be strictly enforced.

Regular Season Pitching Rules - Baseball VI - PITCHERS 

Any player on a regular season team may pitch. (NOTE: There is no limit to the number of pitchers a team may use in a game.) 

A pitcher once removed from the mound cannot return as a pitcher. 

The manager must remove the pitcher when said pitcher reaches the limit for his/her age group as noted below, but the pitcher may remain in the game at another position: 

League Age Number of Pitches per Day

11 -12 85 pitches per day

9-10 75 pitches per day

7-8 50 pitches per day

Exception: If a pitcher reaches the limit imposed in Regulation VI (c) for his/her league age while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs: 

  1. That batter reaches base; 

  2. That batter is put out; 

  3. The third out is made to complete the half inning. 

Note 1: Pitch count will be held at maximum for days rest when completing the final batter. 

Note 2: A pitcher who delivers 41 or more pitches in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of that day. 

Additionally, if you have a catcher that catches any part of 4 innings (it does not have to be 4 full innings, it could be a batter in 1 inning and 3 complete innings thereafter), that catcher is no longer available to pitch.

Pitchers league age 14 and under must adhere to the following rest requirements: 

  • If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed. 

  • If a player pitches 51 - 65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed. 

  • If a player pitches 36 - 50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed. 

  • If a player pitches 21 - 35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar days of rest must be observed. 

  • If a player pitches 1-20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest is required. o Under NO Circumstances shall a player pitch in three (3) consecutive days.

Each league must designate the scorekeeper or another game official as the official pitch count recorder. 

The pitch count recorder must provide the current pitch count for any pitcher when requested by either manager or any umpire. However, the manager is responsible for knowing when his/her pitcher must be removed, not the umpire.

(g) The official pitch count recorder should inform the umpire-in-chief when a pitcher has delivered his/her maximum limit of pitches for the game, as noted in Regulation VI: (c). The umpire-in-chief will inform the pitcher’s manager that the pitcher must be removed in accordance with 

Regulation VI(c). However, the failure by the pitch count recorder to notify the umpire-in-chief, and/or the failure of the umpire-in-chief to notify the manager, does not relieve the manager of his/her responsibility to remove a pitcher when that pitcher is no longer eligible. 

(h) Violation of any section of this regulation in the Major division can result in protest of the game in which it occurs. Protest shall be made in accordance with Playing Rule 4.19. 

(j) A player who has attained the league age of twelve (12) is not eligible to pitch in the Minor League. (See Regulation V – Selection of Players) 

(k) A player may not pitch in more than one game in a day. 

NOTES: The withdrawal of an ineligible pitcher after that pitcher is announced, or after a warm-up pitch is delivered, but before that player has pitched a ball to a batter, shall not be considered a violation. 

Little League officials are urged to take precautions to prevent protests. When a protest situation is imminent, the potential offender should be notified immediately.  

Pitches delivered in games declared “Regulation Tie Games” or “Suspended Games” shall be charged against pitcher’s eligibility. 

In suspended games resumed on another day, the pitchers of record at the time the game was halted may continue to pitch to the extent of their eligibility for that day, provided said pitcher has observed the required days of rest. 

Example 1: A league age 12 pitcher delivers 70 pitches in a game on Monday when the game is suspended. The game resumes on the following Thursday. The pitcher is not eligible to pitch in the resumption of the game because he/she has not observed the required days of rest. 

Example 2: A league age 12 pitcher delivers 70 pitches in a game on Monday when the game is suspended. The game resumes on Saturday. The pitcher is eligible to pitch up to 85 more pitches at the resumption of the game because he/she has observed the required days of rest. 

Example 3: A league age 12 pitcher delivers 70 pitches in a game on Monday when the game is suspended. The game resumes two weeks later. The pitcher is eligible to pitch up to 85 more pitches in the resumption of the game, provided he/she is eligible based on his/her pitching record during the previous four days. Note: The use of this regulation negates the concept of the “calendar week” with regard to pitching eligibility.


The number of pitches a player can throw is based upon their league age (as indicated on the Eastview application/roster) AND NOT their actual age. For Little League purposes, there could be a difference between the league age and the actual age of the player. Pitch counts based on league age will be strictly enforced.


COVID Protocols

EVLL will follow the current “Exposure Management Plan” set by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Department. Since everything is fluid, the protocols could be updated throughout the season. Eastview Little League Board of Directors will adhere to all Los Angeles County Department of Public Health guidelines.

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